Thursday, 9 June 2011

hello loveliesT loves,,,,here are some stuFfs of the day for's a bit-a-this-bit-a-that,, all things that made me happY in what haS been A LOnGGGGGG DAyYYYY x x x

waU.....i like these sounds,,,....

barcelooNie braVe shAPES!

hot colouRs

hot colours and hot signAGE

supeR hot woman who i just had to include because someone made me think of her >> she's
got baLLs and she looks like she don't take no jibba jabba and she's HOT and i like all of that

dayTIme sketchii

beautIful new people in my life


eating at midnight,, siesTa-ing,, .......

i'm kind of worried about the thougHt...there may be some DARK stuff to say >>>>

and thaT's it my loveS...i gotta sleep,, so much tiredneSS and sO much activity..
good night and see you tomorRow.

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About Me

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London, Clapton, United Kingdom
/// //// lover of all things kitsch. my ideal days are spent exploring new places,, documenting them in a visual diary,, getting inspired,, drawing,, taking photographs,, filling my sketchbook,, cooking and being around those i love the most ////////