Thursday, 16 June 2011

a thUrsdaY in the life of the fandanGoe kid,,,, x x x x

spanisH breakfasT ,,,,, there ain't a 'superfooD' in sight...YaY.

awwW confeTti on my doorsteP this beautiful, shining in the sun

overheaD projectoR...old school and lovely colours >>>

eightieS grapHics on the dictionarieS.....

NICE coloUrsssss

hot fiftieS sapatskie,,,

double whaMmy fandangoe visit,, sapatskie anD eliZa bumsqueak both in one daY

my greeN silk trouserS with gold zips,,,, thanKs to hazza for buying them for me, word to my mamma. x

and lastLy a birthday dedication to my little friend katie-ann, all the way over in sydney,,
happy sweet birthday fellow nun on ze run......
x x x x 

washed down with one of the worst examples of 'journalism' i've ever come across...
yep,, you guessed it, The Sun in all it's glory 

loveS,, your fandanGoe 
x x x x

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About Me

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London, Clapton, United Kingdom
/// //// lover of all things kitsch. my ideal days are spent exploring new places,, documenting them in a visual diary,, getting inspired,, drawing,, taking photographs,, filling my sketchbook,, cooking and being around those i love the most ////////