Tuesday, 6 September 2011

the last dayzzz of barceloonie,,,today i feel like i went to the emerald city,, aka the sagrada familia,, it was so beautiful and freee,,, even nicer to not have to give money to the catholic church,,,, amaazeBallS

<< this is what happens when you spend all your moneys on printing innit >>
i swear it tasted better than it looks

<<< fandie and the emerald ciTy >>>

as you can see i was a bit obsessed,,, waaaa,,, was so amazing that my neck is sore from ceiling oooogling....nerdsville. but worth it. yay. 

x x x x x 
x x x

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London, Clapton, United Kingdom
/// //// lover of all things kitsch. my ideal days are spent exploring new places,, documenting them in a visual diary,, getting inspired,, drawing,, taking photographs,, filling my sketchbook,, cooking and being around those i love the most ////////