Monday, 5 September 2011

okK LoNDoN,, YoU motherfucker,, i'm all psyched up for whatever it is you're gonna give me,, i know it's gonna be tough but here are the positives ,,,,>> this video,, click here to see

>>> having a phone that actually rings again!!

>>> being near my beloved loveliest loves,,, mAAAAAN ive missed you

>>> having a social life and already being busy most nights for the next two weeks or so

>>> the geezfest and enough social activity to justify a jumspuit a day. maybe i should get a gold tooth? forget finding a man that's got one,, just get on with it inniT.

so London,, i love you and hate you,,, what a year it's been withouT you.

see you Thursday baybes.

x x x x
x x x
x x

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/// get inTo the archive baybes ///

About Me

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London, Clapton, United Kingdom
/// //// lover of all things kitsch. my ideal days are spent exploring new places,, documenting them in a visual diary,, getting inspired,, drawing,, taking photographs,, filling my sketchbook,, cooking and being around those i love the most ////////