Sunday, 4 November 2012

This weekend has been all about food.
I went to the fantastic Brockley Farmer's market yesterday for my weekly fill of fresh produce and came home to cook scallops for lunch. 

B E A U T I F U L.

Stinking bishop on toast!

i heart house of holland

new wheels // like driving a porsche after raimondo

creepers + fave. tights = sunday threads

david shrigley sunday sermon at the school of life = the best way to spend a sunday morning 

from david shrigley's new book


signed,,sealed and delivered

the fandangoe
h e a l t h  k i c k
is still going strong




carrot, beetroot, ginger, bee pollen, super greens powder, lemon and mint 
= feeling G O O D !

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London, Clapton, United Kingdom
/// //// lover of all things kitsch. my ideal days are spent exploring new places,, documenting them in a visual diary,, getting inspired,, drawing,, taking photographs,, filling my sketchbook,, cooking and being around those i love the most ////////